Instant Scripts™ Case Study: How We Write Better Faster And Cut Our Writing Time By 70%

Instant Scripts™ Case Study: How We Write Better Faster And Cut Our Writing Time By 70%

If you are selling anything online, chances are you are writing a lot. Gain a competitive edge and write better faster.

An email here, a new sales page there. Sales copy is needed for every step in your sales funnel. So, you might find yourself spending a lot of time on writing. 

And chances are, what you write doesn’t always convert as well as you’d like. As a result, you have to go back and write even more. 

This back and forth between writing, testing what you wrote, and writing even more can cost you time and revenue. Plus, you have less time to work on other important parts of your business.

But what if we showed you a few ways to write better faster and free up time for other needle-movers in your business? Here are the 3 ways we used to write 70% faster while keeping the quality of our writing.

How To Write Better Faster

Now, there isn’t one single way to write better faster. It’s actually a good idea to combine different strategies and find a solution that works for you. Below you’ll find our top suggestions for writing faster.

Leverage AI

Okay, maybe we are a bit biased – but our favorite way to write better faster is using technology. After all, that’s why we created Instant Scripts™. Instant Scripts™ is a unique software that allows you to knock-out business-generating emails, ads, sales letters and so much more.

Instant Scripts™ contains over 300 copywriting templates in 40 categories. As the writer, all you need to do is fill in some blanks, do some minor tweaks and you are done.

What’s more, if you write for the same offer or product often, you can save the information about your offer in the snippet tool. Next time you use it, the blanks get auto-filled – meaning you save even more time!

Let’s assume you are a business owner selling supplements. The snippet tool will ask you for details about your company, product, your target audience, and additional info about upsells, bonuses, etc.

After you put all the info in the snippet tool, you can use it for any template! Which means you can create a whole landing page in seconds. Or a whole marketing campaign in half an hour.

Do you see how powerful an AI tool like Instant Scripts™ is for your business? It’s the single best way to write better faster. But it’s not the only way. 

Below you’ll find two more ways to write faster while keeping your quality. Then we will show you what happens if you combine all three strategies.

Write first, edit second

To save time during any task, it’s so important to not switch back and forth between tasks. When it comes to writing this means: don’t go back and forth between writing and editing. It slows you down.

Instead, write the full piece without thinking. Create your first draft without judging your writing. Your first draft doesn’t have to be perfect, it just needs to be finished. 

Then you switch to editing. Now you can make changes and tweak words and sentences. But don’t be a perfectionist. Make it 80% perfect and publish as fast as you can. It will allow you to get real feedback from your target market so much faster. 

This principle is commonly known as “write drunk, edit sober”, a phrase coined by Ernest Hemingway.

Swipe what’s proven

The final tip to write better faster is to stop reinventing the wheel. You don’t need to come up with everything yourself. Take a look at what other businesses or marketers are doing in your niche and take inspiration from them.

Example: How We Wrote An Email Within 5 Minutes Instead of Taking An Hour

Okay, those tips sound nice, but what kind of results can you expect? Here is an example of how we wrote over 70% faster by using Instant Scripts™.

We decided we wanted to write a promotional email for a supplement business. All copywriting templates and generators within Instant Scripts™ are proven to work. So, we didn’t have to worry about finding swipe-worthy offers from our competitors. This saved us at least 20-30 minutes of competitor research.

We logged into Instant Scripts™ and found the perfect template called “Energy Booster Product.” We opened the template. Now all we needed to do was fill in some blanks and make some final tweaks. This easily saved us another 20-30 minutes of coming up with an email structure and taking the time to write it. 

Now all that was left to do is editing. But since the Instant Scripts™ copywriting templates are already proven, we only had to change the name of our supplement. It took 30 seconds.

And that’s how we used Instant Scripts™ to write better faster and create a whole email within minutes.

Ready To Write Better Faster?

Write faster and generate more sales by signing up with Instant Scripts™ today.