Write Converting Web Copy In 8 Easy Steps

Write Converting Web Copy In 8 Easy Steps

If you have a decent amount of traffic coming to your website you likely want to convert as many of your visitors as possible. A key component of high conversions is knowing how to write converting web copy.  If you think that your web copy could need a make-over then keep reading. What is Web Traffic? Website traffic stands for users who visit your website. It is measured in visits, or sometimes also called sessions. Tracking and measuring website traffic is important. It lets you determine how many people you attract and how much revenue you could make from your

An image showing how to write a sales pages that converts

How to Write a Sales Page That Converts

As a course creator, coach, or consultant who sells and markets online, being able to write a sales page that converts is crucial. A sales page is a form of landing page that informs the reader about your product or service, captures their desire, and entices them to buy. In other words, a sales page is like a salesperson, working for you 24/7.  Yet, writing and creating a winning sales page can be overwhelming when you’ve never done so before.  So, we put together this article to help you write a sales page that converts! The Elements of a Sales

An image of a struggling professional trying to write sales copy and not wanting to hire a copywriter

Write Converting Sales Copy Without Hiring a Copywriter

Need to write copy without hiring a copywriter? Here are a number of things you want to pay attention to. Copywriting is a skill that looks easy but it actually takes years to master. So, if you have little experience writing your own sales copy it can be a challenge. You have to find a balance between writing something that engages your ideal audience and going for the sale without sounding pushy or slimy. You’ll have to find out how to conduct your own research, what the elements of good copy are, and how to make sure that people don’t

7 Types Of Blog Headlines To Generate More Traffic In 30 Days Or Less

7 Blog Headlines To Generate More Traffic In 30 Days

Is your blog getting less traffic than you wish? You spent a lot of time creating valuable posts, researching, and collecting data and now, hardly anyone reads your articles? It’s time to create blog headlines to generate more traffic! You might not realize it, but your blog headlines could be the reason. You see, on average, only 20% of people who read your blog headlines will actually click through to read the article. How Can Blog Headlines Generate More Traffic? So, a bad headline can cost you quite a lot of blog traffic. A good headline, however, can increase traffic

Simple To Use Copywriting Software: Instant Scripts™ Live Demo

Simple To Use Copywriting Software: Instant Scripts™ Live Demo

Writing sales copy shouldn’t be a long winded process that takes you ages. Discover our easy-to-use copywriting software. Sales copy is also one of the most important things you can focus on as a business owner because the right copy in the right place can add a lot of money to your bottom line. So, how do you keep the balance? How do you make sure that you don’t spend ages on writing while also creating something that works?  Well, one very effective way is using copywriting software to help you out. There is different software out there – but