7 Blog Headlines To Generate More Traffic In 30 Days

7 Types Of Blog Headlines To Generate More Traffic In 30 Days Or Less

Is your blog getting less traffic than you wish? You spent a lot of time creating valuable posts, researching, and collecting data and now, hardly anyone reads your articles? It’s time to create blog headlines to generate more traffic!

You might not realize it, but your blog headlines could be the reason. You see, on average, only 20% of people who read your blog headlines will actually click through to read the article.

How Can Blog Headlines Generate More Traffic?

So, a bad headline can cost you quite a lot of blog traffic. A good headline, however, can increase traffic up to 500%. Plus, more traffic means more new leads, customers, and revenue. 

To help you generate more leads and customers with your blog, we want to share 7 ways that will help you spice up your blog headlines. 

1. List Headlines

The first type of blog headlines to generate more traffic are list headlines. List articles, also called listicles, are one of the most popular forms of articles. We are sure you see them all the time. 

“5 options to get started with ___” or “10 ideas you can steal from ___” are examples of headlines for listicles. In fact, the article you are reading right now is a listicle too!

List headlines are irresistible because we simply want to know what the 5 ways or 10 ideas are. And the good thing is, headlines like this are easy to come up with. 

Just keep in mind that uneven numbers like 3, 5, and 7 usually do better than even numbers. So, as long as you use uneven numbers, list headlines are a great way to increase your blog traffic.

2. “Avoid a mistake” Headlines

Another powerful blog headline is any headline that indicates that the reader will be able to avoid pain. For example, “Avoid these inflammatory foods to boost gut health.”

Headlines like this work because the human brain is wired to avoid pain. We want to protect ourselves from the pain, that’s why “avoid a mistake” headlines are extra click-worthy.

3. “A full guide” Headlines

Headlines like “a full guide to ___” or “everything you need to know about ___” are popular headline types. 

They attract readers who want to know everything about a topic without having to research for hours. 

Since you have “full guide” in your title, the reader expects a compulsory guide that tells them everything they need to know. So make sure you deliver on that promise.

4. Curiosity Headlines

Humans are naturally curious, so your headline should work as a teaser for what you will talk about without revealing too much.

Popular curiosity headlines are “Discover ____” or “The secrets of ____”

Use words that naturally create curiosity, like ‘discover’, ‘find out’, or ‘revealed’.

5. Questions Headlines

Sometimes the best way to draw in the reader and generate more blog traffic is by asking a question. Our favorite examples are:

“Do you make these mistakes when ____ ?” or “ Is it wrong to make money fast?”

Questions are so powerful because they create open loops in your reader’s mind. Their subconscious mind wants to close these loops. But the only way to do so is by clicking on the headline and actually reading your article.

6. News headlines

News reporters and journalists are masters at writing headlines. After all, the magazines and newspapers they write for rely on them creating enough curiosity so people will read the newspaper.

You can use the same principles for your blog headlines. Simply buy a newspaper of your choice or look it up online and see what they are using. You’ll likely find headlines that create drama or use celebrities to create curiosity.

7. Solutions and Benefits

Finally, you can appeal to your reader’s self-interest in your blog headline. Self-interest is a strong psychological trigger that makes your blog article click-worthy.

Indicate what the reader will get from reading your blog article. Tell them why they should care about your blog and read it. For example: “Now you can have slim legs while eating fries every week.”

Discover The Fastest Way To Create Blog Headlines To Generate Traffic

These 7 types of headlines will massively boost your blog traffic and readership. Yet, there is a way to crank out winning headline after winning headline with minimal effort.

Instant Scripts™ includes hundreds of headline templates ready to use. Plus, they are already categorized by headline type, so you never need to search the whole web to find an example.

Instant Scripts™ takes out all the guesswork when it comes to creating powerful headlines that increase your blog traffic. Want to try it right now? Click here.