What Is A Sales Funnel? The Right Content For All 3 Sales Funnel Stages

What Is A Sales Funnel? The Right Content For All 3 Sales Funnel Stages

You are probably more than aware that the buyer’s journey your prospects go through isn’t a straight line. Usually, leads go through 3 sales funnel stages. Keep reading to find out what they are.

They research your products online, consume free content, download your lead magnet, maybe talk to a sales representative…There is a lot to the sales process – and this whole process is usually called a funnel.

Now the thing is, at each stage of the funnel, your prospects need to get certain information. That’s why it’s so important that you know your funnel inside out and put the right message in the right place.

In this article, we’ll go over the three stages of a sales funnel and what kind of content you’ll need for each. 

The 3 Sales Funnel Stages

A prospect can be in one of three stages in your funnel. These stages are usually called top of the funnel (TOFU), middle of the funnel (MOFU), and bottom of the funnel (BOFU).

The lines between the stages are blurry, that’s because it’s a mental model and not a hard and fast rule. But thinking about which stage a buyer is at in your funnel helps you determine what kind of content you need to put where.

Sales Funnel Stages #1 TOFU

Top-of-the-funnel content is usually educational. Typical are blog posts, videos, social media posts, and podcasts. You want to have a lot of this type of content because once a prospect gets interested in what you do, they want to binge-consume your content. 

Not sure how you can create so much content all the time? Read on for a secret weapon you might not be using yet.

Sales Funnel Stages #2 MOFU

For now, let’s look at the middle of the funnel content. In the middle of the funnel, prospects are usually ready to give you something in exchange for more and deeper information. 

For example, they give you their email address in exchange for an ebook or a free guide. At the MOFU stage, the prospects trust you, they just need a little more time to finally become a buyer.

Sales Funnel Stages #3 BOFU

At the bottom of the funnel, your prospect knows everything about you and your product. You just need to tip them over so they buy. Typical ways to turn a prospect into a buyer are free trials, free demos, free consultations, and lots of testimonials.

3 Sales Funnel Stages – Content Examples

Now that you know the three funnel stages, let’s talk about what type of content or copy you need at each stage. 

You might already understand, to build a whole funnel, you need lots of content. Especially at the top of your funnel, you want to talk about your product, niche, and what you do from all kinds of angles. 

Let’s have a look at concrete examples you can use immediately.


  • Social Media Posts

Social media posts are great to raise awareness for your brand, product, or service. Use a social media platform your ideal customers are already using and start posting.

  • Overview Blog Posts

In the TOFU stage, use blog posts that are keyword optimized so new prospects can find you online. In the blog articles, address common pain points and show how you can help them solve their pain.

  • Social Media Ads

The great thing about social media ads is that you can target people based on their demographics and interests. So, you can be sure that the right people see your message.


  • Compulsory Blog Posts

MOFU blogs go deeper and are more like full guides that give in-depth information.

  • Ebook

Ebooks are perfect for pain points that have more complex solutions. Write a short ebook, give it a nice design and offer it for free.

  • Checklists

Checklists help your prospect to solve a problem in an organized way.


  • Case studies

Use case studies to show what others achieved with your help. It will increase trust with prospects who are in a similar situation.

  • Product demonstrations

A product demonstration can be a simple video that shows the key features of your product.

When offering a free trial, make sure that prospects instantly see how helpful your product or service is, so they will keep using your product after the free trial period.

Discover How To Create Funnel Content In Seconds

As we mentioned, a full-funnel demands a lot of content – which means you’ll spend a lot of time writing and creating content.

If you want to create funnels faster to break even and start making profits as soon as you can, then check out Instant Scripts™.
Instant Scripts™ includes hundreds of sales funnel templates and copy generators. All you need to do is fill out some blanks and your funnel is ready to go. Click here to start your free trial!