How to Increase Organic Website Traffic in 2021

How to Increase Organic Website Traffic in 2021

You got your website set up and ready to go – now all you need is some traffic to roll in. But how exactly can you increase organic website traffic in 2021? 

In 2021 search engines and social media algorithms are smarter than ever. So, it’s a good idea to follow a solid strategy that allows you to get more organic traffic.

Keep reading to find out what these strategies look like and what kind of results you can expect.

How can we increase organic website traffic in 2021?

1. Optimize for your audience, not search engines

Most website owners know a bit about search engine optimization (SEO). It’s smart to optimize your copy and content so you can be found on Google. 

But what’s more important – and what many website owners don’t consider – is the experience a visitor has on the website. 

This is even more important than SEO. The user experience affects how long a visitor stays on the page, how many sites they click on and so much more.

Search engines track how long a visitor spends on your website. The longer the time, the better.

This means, if your website isn’t optimized for humans people will bounce off the page quickly. It hurts your SEO ranking. 

To improve your rankings and increase your organic traffic, think human first. 

2. Run a blog on your website

To increase organic website traffic, having a blog is one of the best and most effective ways. A solid blog helps you to reach your audience, engage with them and create lots of traffic for your business.

If your blog content is helpful the word will spread and more and more visitors will come to your site. As a result, your website’s authority increases, and search engines send more traffic your way.

3. Aim for the featured snippet

For each search on Google, there is a featured snippet right on top of the page. If you get your website or blog to show up in the featured snippet you get X% of all organic traffic. 

How do you get your content to be featured on the featured snippet? Publish content that answers the search query and use bulleted lists that explain a step-by-step process.

While there is no guarantee that your content will be featured, this will increase your chances.

4. Focus on relevant keywords without keyword stuffing

Want more organic traffic from search engines? Then it is important to have your most relevant keywords on your page. But, if you overuse keywords it can actually hurt your rankings.

It’s a bit nuanced, but basically, you want to write about topics that are relevant to your niche. And you want to write for humans first and not for search engines.

5. Cross-post on social media

To increase your organic website traffic, cross-promote your content on social media. This is especially helpful if you have a bit of a following already. Your followers will be curious to see the content you publish on your website.

How can I get organic website traffic fast?

One of the biggest frustrations with organic traffic is that it takes time. SEO, for example, usually takes about 6 months to start working.

What can you do if you need organic traffic fast?

Think about any followers you already have and start directing them to your website. If you have an email list, send them to your website as well.

Publishing more blogs consistently can also help to get you more traffic faster.

And make contact with other bloggers and business owners and refer traffic to each other.

Which are the best off-page SEO techniques for 2021?

When you want to increase organic website traffic, it’s not only about what happens on your website. There are also things you can do off-page that increase your SEO.

1. A strong social media presence

Many people don’t even visit websites any more. If they want to buy something, they go to Facebook or Instagram. If you don’t have any social media profiles, this traffic is automatically lost.

So, include your social media strategy in your off-site SEO strategies.

2. Use social bookmarking

There are bookmarking sites that let you present your blog content on their websites. Popular pages you can try are StumbleUpon, Digg, Delicious, and Reddit.

3. Share photos and videos

If you use photos or videos on your website or your blog, cross-post them to pages like Google or Pinterest. This will make sure that more people find your content. Your photos and videos should link back to your website so that people get directed to your site.

How can I get more traffic to my website for free in 2021?

If you follow these organic traffic strategies, most of your website traffic will be for free.

You can combine these strategies with paid traffic methods to get even more visitors, engagement, and customers.

That’s the beauty of organic traffic. Once it shows effect you basically get money for free.

How can I optimize my website for SEO?

The most important thing is to publish helpful content and to write for a niche audience. Want a secret weapon that helps you create engaging and converting content? Then check out Instant Scripts™. 

Instant Scripts™ help you create proven-to-work website content in minutes. It’s the easiest way to write copy and content. Discover what Instant Scripts™ can do for your website.