An image showing how to write a sales pages that converts

How to Write a Sales Page That Converts

As a course creator, coach, or consultant who sells and markets online, being able to write a sales page that converts is crucial. A sales page is a form of landing page that informs the reader about your product or service, captures their desire, and entices them to buy. In other words, a sales page is like a salesperson, working for you 24/7.  Yet, writing and creating a winning sales page can be overwhelming when you’ve never done so before.  So, we put together this article to help you write a sales page that converts! The Elements of a Sales

How To Make Big Sales From A Small Email List

How To Make Big Sales From A Small Email List

As an expert, speaker, coach, and consultant you might be under-using this powerful marketing tool: your email list. Discover how to make big sales from a small email list. Since internet marketing emerged, many trends and platforms have surfaced just to disappear again. A marketing strategy that worked on Google 20 years ago doesn’t work today. But there is one thing that stayed the same: email. People still read and send emails every single day. And even though there are “experts” out there trying to announce email marketing as “dead”, the reality looks different. Every major online brand and expert

How To Promote and Grow Your Coaching Business Online in 5 Steps

Grow Your Coaching Business Online in 5 Steps

So, you are ready to attract clients online and grow your coaching business – but you aren’t fully sure where to start? Here’s how to promote and grow your coaching business online. Which online channels are most effective for promoting your business? How can you make sure you see the maximum results for the effort you put in? To answer your question we put together the 5 best ways to promote and grow your coaching business online. If you have limited time, start by picking one of the 5 and really dial it in. Then, you can slowly add the

An image of a struggling professional trying to write sales copy and not wanting to hire a copywriter

Write Converting Sales Copy Without Hiring a Copywriter

Need to write copy without hiring a copywriter? Here are a number of things you want to pay attention to. Copywriting is a skill that looks easy but it actually takes years to master. So, if you have little experience writing your own sales copy it can be a challenge. You have to find a balance between writing something that engages your ideal audience and going for the sale without sounding pushy or slimy. You’ll have to find out how to conduct your own research, what the elements of good copy are, and how to make sure that people don’t

Boost your website traffic using paid traffic with Facebook

How to Boost Your Website Traffic?

Every business needs a good website. But what makes for a good website? A beautiful design doesn’t mean anything if your website isn’t getting enough traffic. If people don’t visit it, you might as well shut it down. So, whatever your business goals may be, you’ll need to generate traffic for your website. But how do you boost website traffic without wasting too much time or resources? Many business owners focus on content creation as a way to boost website traffic. But research shows that over 60% of professionals struggle with content generation. About half are unaware of customers’ needs.