What Is A Sales Funnel? The Right Content For All 3 Sales Funnel Stages

What Is A Sales Funnel? The Right Content For All 3 Sales Funnel Stages

You are probably more than aware that the buyer’s journey your prospects go through isn’t a straight line. Usually, leads go through 3 sales funnel stages. Keep reading to find out what they are. They research your products online, consume free content, download your lead magnet, maybe talk to a sales representative…There is a lot to the sales process – and this whole process is usually called a funnel. Now the thing is, at each stage of the funnel, your prospects need to get certain information. That’s why it’s so important that you know your funnel inside out and put the

7 Types Of Blog Headlines To Generate More Traffic In 30 Days Or Less

7 Blog Headlines To Generate More Traffic In 30 Days

Is your blog getting less traffic than you wish? You spent a lot of time creating valuable posts, researching, and collecting data and now, hardly anyone reads your articles? It’s time to create blog headlines to generate more traffic! You might not realize it, but your blog headlines could be the reason. You see, on average, only 20% of people who read your blog headlines will actually click through to read the article. How Can Blog Headlines Generate More Traffic? So, a bad headline can cost you quite a lot of blog traffic. A good headline, however, can increase traffic

The Science Behind Going Viral On Social Media: Reach A Massive Audience In 5 Steps

The Science Behind Going Viral On Social Media: Reach A Massive Audience In 5 Steps

When it comes to selling products and services, we can’t ignore the power of social media. If you do it right, you can create an audience with great buying power – basically for free. How? By going viral on social media. When we look at the history of advertising, this was never possible before. To get your ad on billboards, TV, or radio there was always an initial investment to make. But with social media, all you need is a free account and a message.  Now, the thing is, creating a strong social media presence takes time. Unless you create the

Email Marketing Secrets: Master Email Marketing in 2021

Email Marketing Secrets: Master Email Marketing in 2021

So you have heard that email marketing is an amazing way to boost your bottom line. Maybe you even started collecting some email addresses but now you are unsure of what to do next? How can you make sure your subscribers don’t ignore your emails? What should you say in an email? How frequently should you be sending emails? Those are questions you might have right now. Well, look no further because in this article we will spill our email marketing secrets. These are tested principles that work in 2021, so get ready to implement them. Email Marketing Principle #1

How To Do An Email Spam Check And Improve Your Email Deliverability In 5 Steps

How To Do An Email Spam Check And Improve Your Email Deliverability In 5 Steps

Any business that has experienced it knows how annoying it is: email spam jail. When your email deliverability isn’t good your emails either go directly to spam or they end up in the promotion email tab of most email providers.  While the spam folder is the worst-case scenario, the promotions tab isn’t ideal too. Because an email in the promotions tab doesn’t show up when a person logs in. The user has to go to the promotions tab on purpose – and very few people ever do that. In fact, according to marketingcharts.com, 84.5% of the messages triggered as promotion